CHN Membership Information
When community leaders proposed to build a local healthcare facility in 1911, community supporters came together to form the Berlin Hospital Association. That continued support has followed the organization's progression to Community Health Network (CHN) and the diversified family of services currently offered.
Today, community residents can continue the tradition of community healthcare by becoming members of CHN. By joining CHN, members vote on candidates to the Board of Directors and certain members of the Governance and Nominations Committee, approve changes to the Corporation's governing documents, receive CHN's annual report and are invited to attend CHN's Annual Membership Meeting.
If you would like to become a member, please complete the Membership application (see link below) and mail it to:
CHN Membership
225 Memorial Drive
Berlin, WI 54923
Applications are due by November 15, 2010
CHN Membership Application
View the 2009 CHN Annual Report